


high content in fibres and phytochemicals Contains chemicals that inhibit tumor growth and protect cells against free radicals. Some of its chemicals are believed to speed up the body's metabolism of oestrogen Therefore reduce the incidence of breast, uterus and ovaries cancer. Cabbage is also an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (vitamin A precursor). These anti-oxidants [...]

By | September 13th, 2015|Healing Foods|2 Comments


Parsley: Like a Multi-vitamin Nutritionally: The culinary multi-vitamin; a nutrient powerhouse. Contains high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B6, chlorophyll, calcium, with more vitamin C than citrus fruits and just about all other known nutrients. Physiologically: Restores digestion, supports the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, purifies blood and body fluids. Benefits: helps body’s defensive mechanisms; [...]

By | September 13th, 2015|Healing Foods|Comments Off on Parsley


Potatoes are a highly nutritious vegetable, Rich in vitamin C, The B-complex vitamins, Have good doses of the minerals like iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. Medicinal properties A potato tuber is antispasmodic, Mild Anodyne – pain killer, Digestive remedy, Diuretic, and emollient, i.e., an agent that softens and soothes the skin. A potato is [...]

By | September 13th, 2015|Healing Foods|Comments Off on Potatoes

Drink To Your Health

Health is the buzzword, nowadays. Whether it is the new way to lose weight, or the latest high intensity workout, millions are hooked. It's no surprise, considering the high stress, fast paced lifestyle we are leading. But with the increasing cost of staying healthy, how do we manage in this economically unstable merry-go-round. Stress, anxiety, [...]

By | January 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|12 Comments

Milk-The White Stuff

   "How about a nice cup of warm milk?" Sounds comforting, doesn't it? But Just how good is the white stuff for our health, really? Well, if the latest reports are anything to go by,  milk may be harmful for our health. Robert Cohen, who holds a degree in Psychoneuroendocrinology, and is the founder and executive director [...]

By | January 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Milk-The White Stuff